Developing regional and global affairs and activities of Turkey and to deepen and integrate it's mental threshold; in other words, ‘’ Strategic and Sectoral Deepening’’. The basic definition of security is a kind of feeling of being far way from threats, concerns and dangers. On the other hand, the basic understanding of “defence” refers to defusing, removing the threats and dangers against the security.

Within the scope of the current global system, with the increase of mutual dependence and uncertainty new security actors, concepts, theories and the practices are added, the security chamber enlarged from national security to collective security and also from peripheral security to information security. The understanding of security that enlarged after the globalization era, is not only dealing with states’ survival in the real life, but at the same time is also dealing with the globalization era's security means, including dealing with social relationship, values and the way of people live and their living standards, as well. In addition to all of these, the new concepts ( such as environmental security) which are not a key concept within the scope of traditional security understanding, started to become a part of the new security understanding.

Critical Security Studies which study the term of security with a highly critical way and at the same time looking for new referent objects for the security objects also accepts the understanding of security, as a kind of concept which considers security as an enlarged term regarding the actors, levels and dimensions of it. As a conclusion, the term of security contains traditional concepts like military dangers but more importantly now it includes economic, environmental, political and social concepts. When we think in the concept of dimensions, the security deepening process has become an obligation to the states. Currently, along with the concept of national security; other concepts such as individual, international and global security meaning have also become a part of political analysis. As a result of this deepening process as actors of the security which mainstream security understandings simply refused;  alongside with the states actors such as people, societies, non-governmental organization, civil society and international actors has became a part of referent object of the security.

From the relationship between conflict and security currently conflicts are not only between states, but also frequently with the participation of  external, international actors we see in those states asymmetric wars which is basically about the conflicts on power to rule the country much more frequent.

All these developments are an indicator to the fact that more effort should be performed in order to build security and to the fact that whether regional or national level, the security problem can not be solved within the boarders of the country. The state's objective while following international security strategies; is not to freeze or block the threat, but to extinguish it to a great extent or completely. A state to approach their security problems with a regional or international group of actors, creates path to an opportunity of a much more effective security policy. But international security strategies also have some disadvantages. A presence of a dispute or a serious power struggle between the sides resembles a big threat in terms of completely extinguishing the threat. At this point, the international security strategy is dependant on the relations between states. On the other hand, states' experiences and the clash of ideas between them in the past, can cause them to show distrust towards each other. Thus, especially the United Nations international institutions have been searching to prepare themselves against new security problems.

In the globalizing world where non-state actors are şncreasing their presence, to lift the barriers infront of desires of civilizations and individuals and to ignore the “security-freedom” relationship by not baring in mind their expectations about the future; shows that the states are far away from finding solutions to their security problems.

Security today; has addopted the form of being too multi-dimensional, mixed up and complex for a single actor to achieve by his self. At this point, the term of collective security has gained importance. With the globalization of the security paradigm, change and transformation towards regional and global security from national and international security has begun.

As today, the concept of security is being discussed with different dimensions, governance and civil society is being held as priority, regional security perspectives have been brought to the forefront; to perform deeper and wider work at the area of security, to establish negotiations and to mutually benefit from gains and experiences has become highly important for countries' medium and long term interests.